What would be your definition of a good neighbor? Clearly, we all have them; neighbors, some nice while others are not so nice. Some neighbors keep their property up and you’re proud to be their neighbor whether you speak to them or not. Some are just plain filthy and you can’t wait to see them go. You can say hello to some neighbors and they act as if you were talking to the wall. I am telling you, you can put on your biggest smile and say your friendliest and warmest hello as loudly as you can and they will not speak, let alone acknowledge your existence.
What kind of neighbor are you? I consider myself a good neighbor, but that’s my opinion. There’s an older gentleman who lives in the complex where I live. He is wise, warm-hearted, friendly, and generous, not in the sense of giving away money, but rather with his smile. It’s always a joy seeing him in the hallway, elevator, and laundry room; yeah you pretty much got it. Everywhere, every day it’s a joy. Not many people fall into the category, including me. I must say that this gentleman is the perfect role model of a good neighbor. Even though he is well into his eighties he is very helpful offering to carry your bags, opens doors for others ahead of him, and has the most amazingly wonderful good morning hello for all he meets. Yes, my neighbor is a one of a kind good neighbor. Let us all strive to be good neighbors and in the interim do our best to say hello. “Adrienne Vanterpool”
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