Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Meditation Helps You Stay Focused

Daily Meditation - Calm in the Midst of Stormy Distractions

Calm in the Midst of the Storm
Moving through life distracted never really taking a moment to think about the consequences of poor lifestyle decisions, character defeats, and other diseased thinking patterns have often caused many to miss out on living a more fulfilling life.  You have heard the saying, “we miss the forest for the trees.”  Trees of opposition, ignorance, intolerance, fear, and all the other stuff that causes distraction will lead us into left field.  There’s a much bigger picture and time is running out.  Take some much needed time to meditate; allow God to open your mind to new possibilities and take you to new heights.  It is just a matter of surrender.  Sounds easy, well it isn’t.  Surrender is never easy to come by and is often achieved after a strenuous battle with selfishness and self-will.  It can, however, be accomplished through constant unfailing prayer and meditation.  
Anywhere / Anytime 
Before beginning each day, take a few moments to cultivate the gift of gratitude.  Be encouraged and grateful to God despite any pain that may be coursing through your body; disappointment in others; bills that need your immediate attention – paid or not; dismiss it all – good and bad.  Focus your attention on being grateful you are alive.  Slow your mind, take several deep cleansing breaths and relax.  Your day is just getting started.  How would you like it to begin?  Remember you are in charge; you can begin with praise and gratitude or those same old weary complaints.  It’s entirely up to you.  
God's plan is bigger.
Don’t allow the distractions of life to pull you off course.  God’s plan for you is much bigger than you can imagine.  Meditation helps settle your mind preventing those distracted moments of unproductive thinking and unpredictable actions which cause much greater harm than good.  PRAY, ask God to help you stay focused.   “Adrienne Vanterpool”

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