Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Unhealthy Secret Thoughts

The Light of Exposure
Secrets die in the light of exposure.  Don’t become the causality of your own defects and don’t allow anyone else’s defects to hold you hostage.  Harboring secret thoughts and behaviors will discourage healthy relationships with yourself and others.  It is vitally important to relinquish the secret feelings and opinions of others that will eventually cause us harm.  Growth happens when we get honest with ourselves; moving beyond the fear of reprisal can do a world of good when acknowledged.  Somethings are not for everyone, however, dealing honestly with ourselves about current circumstances and behaviors will heal our heart, mind, body, and soul.  An honest assessment of kept secrets often frees us from our self-made prison.  
Self Imposed Prison
Generally, secrets are used to cover faults, dishonest behaviors all as a form of protection.  Realizing the very thing used to protect ourselves has kept us sick comes to light through the process of exposure.  Being fearful when critical situations occur and feeling a need to lie to protect one’s self is fruitless.  As uncomfortable and unpleasant as it may seem the position we place ourselves in being dishonest and hiding our true feelings is worse.  Wearing that fake phony smile pretending to be okay while trying to cover up and protect your dignity ultimately results in loss of self-respect.  
Fake Phony Smiles
Do Not Cover The Truth
Denial, dishonest, mistrust and mixed messages all have to be dealt with.  Learning to speak and act appropriately while expressing truth removes the seeds of resentment and fear.  That sick way of thinking has kept us imprisoned for far too long.  There are times when being brutally honest seems appealing; however, being brutally honest is never well thought out and usually causes harm.  Take it to slow first being totally and sincerely honest.  Ask this question: “Why am I harboring secret or negative thoughts?”  It is very unhealthy to do so, therefore, coming to grips with our truth will strengthen our voice, inside and out.  
Freedom to Live
A New Way
The ability to free yourself from secrets that eventually lead to misguided or misdirected fear goes hand in hand with removing defects from your character.  Some defects of character cause difficulty for everyone you come in contact with.  After years of secretly harboring resentment don’t use your new found voice to inflicted pain in situations that have no place in your current circumstances.  Keep in mind your goal is inner healing and peace.  Recognize that secrets have their place; however, no secret should ever find a permanent home without an escape plan.  “Adrienne Vanterpool”

Monday, August 20, 2018

You Are Worthy of Love

Self Love

How often have you compared yourself to others?  All too often we look in the mirror and feel that the image staring back at us is flawed.  We are God's creation, beautiful in every way.  Of course, there are defects, things we would love to change.  Why consider changing what God deemed perfect?  Yes, when He created you, He made you perfect.  We are all unique in our own way, having many diverse traits and features which proclaims who we are.  Comparing ourselves with another human being is a futile self-defeating learned behavior that has been embedded in us over the years.  In this society that we live in our view of what is or is not suitable are dictated to us.  We are told what beautiful and acceptable appearances to appreciate and which to deplore.  Those of us who have fallen victim to society's beauty trap see ourselves as less than simply because we don't fit into a defined mold.   Those distinguishing qualities they make up our persona is what makes us perfect just as we are.  Beautiful inside and out.  Most of you know I research every topic of discussion and often find nuggets I want to share.  50 Self-Loving Affirmations - Uncover Your Joy - Healing From Abuse is worth the read.  As always be blessed.  "Adrienne Vanterpool"

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brene Brown

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Positive Affirmations

Set a goal to journal positive affirmations daily.

Call your positive affirmations “I am Statements” in an effort to develop self-love and dispel self-loathing.

I am statements that are spoken daily will enhance your life.  These are things that we each desire to have in life. Recognize you cannot give what you do not have and recognize that your thoughts go deep into your inner self.  Acknowledge that how you think determines how you feel and choose to take active steps towards believing what is good about yourself as opposed to what is bad. The things that you want to become, confess about myself knowing that goodness resides within you.

In an effort not to speak negatively about who you are; remember that you are beautifully and wonderfully made.   If you have no desire to speak negatively become more watchful of how you say and how you finish an “I am Statement”.

When writing “I am Statements” make them nouns as opposed to adjectives whenever possible. Recognize that a positive outlook of who and what you are and will become stems from your belief in your abilities.  Identify that what you want, you already have, because God has blessed you and will keep no good thing from you.

After writing statements that confirm you, say each one – as you say them, become them, be aware that they in you waiting to come forth.  As you stretch your mind and find more positive things about yourself to expand each day become consciousness and more aware of the new you that is emerging.  "Adrienne Vanterpool"

Sunday, August 12, 2018

The Blame Game

Are You Playing The Blame Game? 

I recently received a text message that contained this definition for blame:  When someone does something harmful or hurtful that necessitates a specific reaction, which allows you to hold others responsible for what you do or fail to do is blame. “   
Blaming others for our inability to response in a positive manner does not excuse inappropriate behavior.   Situations regularly occur when least expected, consequently we may react poorly.   However, that does not mean the only recourse is to hold someone else responsible.    To forgive someone or overlook the harm caused under some circumstances seems almost impossible.   When do we become responsible for our reactions, regardless of what occurred?   Blaming others is frequently used as an excuse when we behaved badly.   It comes as no surprise when I hear someone say, “look what you made me do,” or “look what they made me do it.”  Stop lying to yourself.  Stop blaming others for what you fail to or not to do that could make the situation better.  Blaming others prevent us from seeing the part we have placed.   Our first reactions should not be figuring out who’s at fault.   To place blame on something or someone else somehow makes us feel less guilty or at fault for the circumstance.  What happens when no one or thing is at fault?  Do we then place blame elsewhere?  Certainly, if we take responsibility for what has occurred we feel as if we have let ourselves and others down.  But are we at fault?  Of course not, society has conditioned us to play the blame game attempting to prevent us from feeling like failures.  In each life, some rain must fall and some other shits going to happen and it’s no one’s fault.   Instead of blaming yourself or someone else for undesirable events, allow yourself to think in a more positive way.   When misfortune strikes it’s not always the result of malicious intent.   I believe in the decree of God.  Which means sometimes life lessons show up to demonstrate much-needed instructions on capabilities were we requirement growth.  Learning patient, love, gratitude or forgiveness there’s a painful situation in direct association with growth in that area.  The next time some misfortunes event strikes remember there’s a lesson to be learned.  Learn each lesson as they come, for surely, they will return with a stronger message. "Adrienne Vanterpool"

Friday, August 10, 2018

Utilizing Time to be Productive Will Ultimately Lead to Success

Time is irrelevant when you run out of time.   

We measure time by years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.   But is that time?  Does time have specific properties other than those we use to measure?  In correlation with running out of time, does time end?  What time is made of or consist of cannot be adequately answered?  When we look at time in terms of having free time or spare time, we assume there’s nothing pressing that needs to get done immediately.  That will all change when you’re on the clock.  Let’s look at it this way.  Free time is a gift; it allows you time to think. Thinking without being concerned how long the process takes is true freedom.  Developing a great idea takes time to create.  If you are pressed by time, such as being on the clock or having only a specific amount of time allotted to complete a project your creative flow will be stifled.   Coming up with a suitable conclusion or workable idea inspired by creative flow, the process of productive must be fluid.  Therefore, being productive requires freedom of thought independent of the limitations of time control devices.  When our time is governed and we are allocated small increments such as the 40 hour week; we tend to fall into the competition trap.  We compete with our fellows for the highest paying job, performing back-breaking work daily to go one upon another.  Our creativity and motivation to achieve our own goals are pushed aside. Visions are swallowed up in the day to day grind of getting the much-needed raise or promotion while allowing our time to be stripped away.  No time to think, got to get home for dinner and don’t want to get stuck in traffic on the way.  Do we recognize that we have gotten stuck building someone else’s dream?  The companies we work for are wealthy beyond our imagination. The time and effort we put into earning a few extra dollars while we create millions for others who oppress and control us is baffling. It is no surprise; people are controlled by lack of having enough. In an effort to acquire enough we readily tossed suggestions into the company suggest box under the pretense that the person with the best idea will receive some monetary award, when in fact the company is going to keep all the ideas to better their business.  It’s all a matter of conditioning.  We have been conditioned to act and respond a certain way which does not provide time for us to be productive in our thinking.  It would be beneficial for us to examine the time constraints we have placed in our own lives.  What do we do with our so-called free time?  We get bogged down somewhere along the way thinking there just isn’t enough time to bring our dreams to life.   Utilizing time in a productive manner will ultimately free up time to develop an innovative thought flow.  Your creativity will blossom as ideas stream in and out.  Your appreciation of time begins to shift.  There is no longer an obligation of time it is on your side as long as you’re not wasting time repeating the same mistakes expecting different results.  "Adrienne Vanterpool"

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Meditation Helps You Stay Focused

Daily Meditation - Calm in the Midst of Stormy Distractions

Calm in the Midst of the Storm
Moving through life distracted never really taking a moment to think about the consequences of poor lifestyle decisions, character defeats, and other diseased thinking patterns have often caused many to miss out on living a more fulfilling life.  You have heard the saying, “we miss the forest for the trees.”  Trees of opposition, ignorance, intolerance, fear, and all the other stuff that causes distraction will lead us into left field.  There’s a much bigger picture and time is running out.  Take some much needed time to meditate; allow God to open your mind to new possibilities and take you to new heights.  It is just a matter of surrender.  Sounds easy, well it isn’t.  Surrender is never easy to come by and is often achieved after a strenuous battle with selfishness and self-will.  It can, however, be accomplished through constant unfailing prayer and meditation.  
Anywhere / Anytime 
Before beginning each day, take a few moments to cultivate the gift of gratitude.  Be encouraged and grateful to God despite any pain that may be coursing through your body; disappointment in others; bills that need your immediate attention – paid or not; dismiss it all – good and bad.  Focus your attention on being grateful you are alive.  Slow your mind, take several deep cleansing breaths and relax.  Your day is just getting started.  How would you like it to begin?  Remember you are in charge; you can begin with praise and gratitude or those same old weary complaints.  It’s entirely up to you.  
God's plan is bigger.
Don’t allow the distractions of life to pull you off course.  God’s plan for you is much bigger than you can imagine.  Meditation helps settle your mind preventing those distracted moments of unproductive thinking and unpredictable actions which cause much greater harm than good.  PRAY, ask God to help you stay focused.   “Adrienne Vanterpool”

Monday, August 6, 2018

The Good Neighbor

Are you a good neighbor

What would be your definition of a good neighbor?  Clearly, we all have them; neighbors, some nice while others are not so nice.  Some neighbors keep their property up and you’re proud to be their neighbor whether you speak to them or not.  Some are just plain filthy and you can’t wait to see them go.  You can say hello to some neighbors and they act as if you were talking to the wall.  I am telling you, you can put on your biggest smile and say your friendliest and warmest hello as loudly as you can and they will not speak, let alone acknowledge your existence.  

What kind of neighbor are you?  I consider myself a good neighbor, but that’s my opinion.  There’s an older gentleman who lives in the complex where I live.  He is wise, warm-hearted, friendly, and generous, not in the sense of giving away money, but rather with his smile.  It’s always a joy seeing him in the hallway, elevator, and laundry room; yeah you pretty much got it.  Everywhere, every day it’s a joy.  Not many people fall into the category, including me.  I must say that this gentleman is the perfect role model of a good neighbor.  Even though he is well into his eighties he is very helpful offering to carry your bags, opens doors for others ahead of him, and has the most amazingly wonderful good morning hello for all he meets.  Yes, my neighbor is a one of a kind good neighbor.  Let us all strive to be good neighbors and in the interim do our best to say hello.  “Adrienne Vanterpool”

Sunday, August 5, 2018

What is Your Passion?

Share Your Story:

Singing and writing have always been my passion, although it hasn’t always been appreciated by all who heard. Regardless, I put pen to paper, spill my emotions over the page in an attempt to bring my thoughts to life.  Hoping one day my attempts to breathe life into my words, they would someday become the foundation for my work.  I've been sharing daily thoughts, meditations, tips, and much, much more.  Now it's time to hear from you.  I am truly encouraged and inspired by so many of you.  Share your passion today, bring your words to life.  I feel very passionate about allowing God to use each of us in some spectacular way to strengthen our core values and self-esteem.  We need each other.  My dreams can only be realized if I share them with you.  Your dreams also become tangible when written or spoken into existence.   I am guessing there are unknown or anonymous writers out there just waiting to give voice to their words.  Why not start today.  Create your own blog page, share your thoughts on other bloggers' pages or simply comment.  Let your voice be heard. It may be that one word someone needed to hear today.   Get inspired, be creative, and share your masterpiece.  "Adrienne Vanterpool"

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Wednesday, August 1, 2018


What are you telling yourself today? 

We often tell ourselves many negative things about who we are.  Know this, whatever you speak into your life, will become a reality.  Begin your day by speaking words of love, life, health and wealth into your current condition and into the lives of those you love.  Choose to see the positive rather than allowing negative self-talk to condemn you to a life of doom and gloom.  Encourage yourself to find peace in the midst of every circumstance.  This will reassure spiritual growth, which is exactly what's needed in most situations.  Growing spiritually is easier said than done, simply because we lose faith.   Lack of faith is the culmination of negative self-talk.   It is imperative that we learn words of encouragement and use them to boost ourselves beyond the stinking thinking we so readily opt for.  "Adrienne Vanterpool"
  • I am intentionally creating and developing relationships that inspire and encourage spiritual growth
  • I am enthusiastically striving to create balance and fanatical growth in my business affairs
  • I am faithfully creating new and healthy relationships with my finances
  • I am empowered by and focused on affirmations that uplift and jumpstart my day
  • I am successfully achieving every goal set forth in my life by awesome leaps and bounds


Daily Quotes