Gym Membership or Not Get Moving:
Want to jump-start your fat burning process? This can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Below are some proven techniques that work slowly over a period of time. The key to achieving any goal is consistency. Remember, you didn’t gain weight overnight so it’s going to take just as much effort to lose that stubborn fat as it did to gain it.
· Move more throughout the day. Begin by taking the stairs as an alternative to the elevator. Caution: If you live or work on the fifth floor or above make every effort to begin your climb slowly. Rushing up flights of stairs can be detrimental for those who have not done so in the past. So remember, easy does it.
· Does your job require very little to no moment during the course of your workday? Start a routine of getting up and moving at least every 15 – 20 minutes. If this isn’t possible, move every hour, to begin with, then initiate more rigorous attempts as you progress.
· Take a short walk before and after a meal. Walking before meals will create a healthy appetite while walking after will encourage digestion. The thing to remember is that before you have a meal ask yourself this question “Am I hungry”. If you’re just eating because you feel it’s time to eat or you haven’t had a meal for several hours, yet you do not feel hungry, then go for a walk. Nine times out of ten when you return from your walk your thoughts will not be on food. When you do have your meal, eat slowly and don’t forget to walk after.
· Park your car further away than usual, this will add steps to your regimen boost your energy and burn fat. Simple but it works.
· Take a long way home. If you use public transportation don’t fall into the habit of rushing home after a long ride on the subway or bus. Take a long leisurely walk home or to your place of business. Yes, this will require you to leave home earlier; in the end, the payoff will surprise you.
· Walk your dog. Don’t have a dog, walk anyway. Walking is one of the best things you can do for your body. Running often causes shin splints and other aches and pains while walking is a low impact activity that anyone can participate in and benefit from greatly.