Monday, July 30, 2018

Guaranteed Fresh Produce Every time.

Hard to find fresh produce in your local supermarket and don't live near a Whole Foods Market?  

Now you can have guaranteed fresh produce delivered to your door. No hassles, no checkout lines, money back guaranteed every time.

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Start your membership today with just one click.

Amazon Fresh

The Company You Keep

Is it better to be alone, than in the wrong company 

Your friends are likely to determine who you are or will become.   If you run with wolves, you will learn to howl.  Associate with eagles, you will learn to soar to great heights.  A mirror reveals a person's outer appearance, while true revelation is shown by the company they keep. 

A simple but true fact of life is that you become like those you closely associate with, whether good or bad.  The more you decline to be in association with some people, the more your life will improve.  The acceptance of mediocrity in the lives of others will escalate mediocrity in your life.  To be a successful strive for excellence, not mediocrity.

As your life evolves, your acquaintances will change and so will your friends.  Some past associates are not willing to climb to the heights you aspire to go.  They seem to exhibit that crab in a barrel syndrome, as you progress, they crawl through life wanting to pull you down.  True friends will stretch your vision not choke your dreams.  Choose your friends wisely.

Consider This:

·      Never receive counsel from unproductive people 

·  Never discuss your problems with someone incapable of contributing to the solution you are certain to get the worst of the bargain when you exchange ideas with the wrong person   

·      Those who never succeed themselves are always first to tell you how

·       Not everyone has a right to speak into your life.

·      Don't follow anyone who's not going anywhere. 

·  With some people, you spend an evening: with others, you invest for a lifetime of success. 

·      Be careful where you stop to acquire directions

·      Be careful whose company you find yourself in

A wise person fortifies his life with true friendships.  If you see people without a smile today, give them one of yours.

First and foremost, allow God to lead you in everything you do....

Friday, July 27, 2018

You Can Never Get Enough Fruits and Vegetables into Your Diet

Eat plenty of vegetables – cooked and raw [remember you can
eat as much salad and vegetables as you want.   However, do not use SAD dressings.  Try vinegar and oil or use some type of salt-free seasoning to top your salads and veggies.

·     DO NOT eat white flour, sugar or sugar substitutes; try to eat less bread, pasta, and rice.  Your plates should consist of mostly vegetables.  
·     Drink Apple Cider Vinegar with Cinnamon, and Lemon Juice Daily – mix one tablespoon of vinegar into an 8oz glass of water add Cinnamon and Lemon Juice about one teaspoon each
·     Clean your colon with a detoxing herb or herbs
·     Drink plenty of water – at least one half your body’s weight in ounces of water each day.  This is in addition to any other liquids you may consume
·     Exercise is critical – begin walking downstairs instead of taking the elevator.  Park further away from your destination.  Take little steps daily to increase your activity.

Have your fresh fruits and vegetables delivered to your door today with Amazon Fresh

300x250 associate fcs 2925 fresh. v506599205


Thursday, July 26, 2018

Don’t Have a Gym Membership

Gym Membership or Not Get Moving:

Want to jump-start your fat burning process?  This can be accomplished in a variety of ways.  Below are some proven techniques that work slowly over a period of time.  The key to achieving any goal is consistency.  Remember, you didn’t gain weight overnight so it’s going to take just as much effort to lose that stubborn fat as it did to gain it.

·     Move more throughout the day.  Begin by taking the stairs as an alternative to the elevator.  Caution:  If you live or work on the fifth floor or above make every effort to begin your climb slowly.  Rushing up flights of stairs can be detrimental for those who have not done so in the past.  So remember, easy does it. 

·     Does your job require very little to no moment during the course of your workday?  Start a routine of getting up and moving at least every 15 – 20 minutes.  If this isn’t possible, move every hour, to begin with, then initiate more rigorous attempts as you progress.  

·       Take a short walk before and after a meal.  Walking before meals will create a healthy appetite while walking after will encourage digestion.  The thing to remember is that before you have a meal ask yourself this question “Am I hungry”.  If you’re just eating because you feel it’s time to eat or you haven’t had a meal for several hours, yet you do not feel hungry, then go for a walk.  Nine times out of ten when you return from your walk your thoughts will not be on food.   When you do have your meal, eat slowly and don’t forget to walk after.

·     Park your car further away than usual, this will add steps to your regimen boost your energy and burn fat.  Simple but it works.

·     Take a long way home.  If you use public transportation don’t fall into the habit of rushing home after a long ride on the subway or bus.  Take a long leisurely walk home or to your place of business.  Yes, this will require you to leave home earlier; in the end, the payoff will surprise you. 

·       Walk your dog.  Don’t have a dog, walk anyway.  Walking is one of the best things you can do for your body.  Running often causes shin splints and other aches and pains while walking is a low impact activity that anyone can participate in and benefit from greatly.

Share tips and tricks that have worked for you, we all need encouragement.  Best of luck in all your endeavors and have a great time while doing so.  “Adrienne Vanterpool”

Follow me on WordPress daily:

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Mobile Notary Service

Mobile Notary Service 
Audrey Minor
by Appointment Only
(484) 808-4334
·       We specialize in providing professional Notary Public Services.
·       Same Day Services are available upon request.  We are just a phone call away.
·       Mobile Notary Service has licensed professionals with over 20 years of experience, which helps us to understand the needs of our customers better.
·       Our aim is to provide the most experienced professional notary for all your document notarizing needs in a convenient manner.

 What are Notary Services?

A notary public is a public official who notarizes legal documents and who can also administer and take oaths and affirmations, among other tasks. Although notaries are public officials, they are not paid by the government; however, they may obtain income by charging fees, provide free services in connection with other employment (for example, bank employees), or may provide free services for the public good. There are about 4.5 million notaries in the United S

Monday, July 23, 2018

ABC News Report

A CVS manager called the police on a black woman who was trying to use a coupon
Click to watch video

Friday, July 20, 2018

Benefits of Drinking Watermelon Juice:

1.  Cleansing – because of its high water content, watermelon is an extremely cleansing food and can be used as a detox by consuming watermelon juice for a day or two.  It makes the perfect juice fast.

2.  Highly nutritious – watermelon contains Citrulline which is an amino acid also called nature Viagra because it promotes healthy circulation and healthy blood flow.  It contains Zinc, vitamins A and has a high content of B vitamins as well as vitamin C, potassium, lycopene, beta-carotene, silicon, and antioxidants just to name a few.  Watermelon offers natural sun protection due to the high volume of lycopene.  Lycopene is a nutrient that naturally protects you from sun exposure.  The lycopene content increases as the fruit ripen, it’s also an antioxidant which prevents cancer.

3.       Naturally hydrating – watermelon is over 90% water which offers as the perfect way to hydrate every cell of your body.

4.   Relieves edema (water retention) – watermelon has diuretic and laxative properties.

5.  Reduces blood pressure – supplementation with watermelon or watermelon juice has been shown to relieve arterial stiffness in people with high blood pressure.

Watermelon has a sweet and delicious taste. It is particularly refreshing on a hot summer day and may be considered the ultimate summer fruit.  Watermelon also contains calcium and manganese which help in the development of our bones.
Click here to watch Watermelon Juice Video

Thursday, July 19, 2018

What are the Benefits of Drinking Lemon Juice?

Benefits of Lemon Juice

1.         It strengthens the liver by providing energy to the liver enzymes when they are too dilute

2.         Lemon juice helps replenish body salts especially after a strenuous workout session

3.         It helps balance the calcium and oxygen levels in the liver in case of a heartburn, taking a glass of concentrated lemon juice can give relief

4.         It’s a great source of citric acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium

5.         Lemon is an excellent and rich source of vitamin C, an essential nutrient that protects the body against immune system deficiencies

6.         Lemons contain pectin fiber which is very beneficial for colon health and also serves as a powerful antibacterial

7.         It helps reducing pain and inflammation in joints and knees as it dissolves uric acid

8.         The potassium content in lemon helps nourish brain and nerve cells

9.         It helps maintain the health of the eyes and helps fight against eye problems

10.    Aids in the production of digestive juices

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Think don’t blink death will on day claim you

In the span of lavishly arrayed time how abundant is 24 hours? 
In the scope of an immeasurable eternity how infinite is a day? 
Life is lived in copious short periods of time. 
What we do and how we lived will weigh heavily on the scales of justice. 
Let your just balance and good deeds precede you. 
Think don’t blink death will on day claim you. "Adrienne Vanterpool"

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Food for Thought

Is bad Karma paying you back?  Learn your lessons well, create good Karma for it has been said, “What goes around, will surely come around.”  Karma is a cold, calculating bitch.  What’s fair is fair and just remember you put it out there.  Is Karma coming for you?  “Adrienne Vanterpool”

Saturday, July 14, 2018


Meditation is one of the most incredible, free tools we have available to relieve stress.  Meditation brings clarity of mind body and soul.  It opens you up to new realms of thought and expands your borders.  The creator blessed us with foresight.  We tape into this ability when we meditate.  Ideas flow like water trickling down a stream.  Your mind opens up in vivid color and visions of new possibilities. Understanding how meditation works is often times difficult for some and widely sought after by others.  Whatever your status in life meditation is beneficial, calming and will bring about a state of wellbeing that will astonish you.  “Adrienne Vanterpool”

Friday, July 13, 2018

Eat to Live

What are you feeding yourself today?  

Don’t just focus on food or the physical manifestation of the food you consume daily.  But rather look at the things you ingest overall.  For instance, are you feeding your mind just as much junk food as you’re feeding your body?  Are you feeding the shopping malls and outlets, and not storing away finances that will on day promote a better future?  Are you wearing the latest fashions, and ducking bill collectors? 

It’s a battle and only the strongest will survive.  Eat to live.  Fill your bank with Benjamins.  Pay off your debt.  Read, read, read….fill your mind; develop prosperous thinking.  Go shopping in your closet.  You got the picture – RIGHT?

Learn to develop a positive outlook:

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Daily Quote

God woke you up this morning, opportunity lunes just outside your door go for it.  Shine like there’s no tomorrow you only have today be the brightest star in your own life.  

“Adrienne Vanterpool”

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The Path That Leads to Nowhere

The path to nowhere will lead you somewhere; perhaps somewhere you may not want to be.  Instead of wondering aimlessly down life’s highway, focus your attention on the journey.   Life is full of paths that lead to no particular destination.  Aimlessly wondering back and forth through confusing mazes of unintentional gateways that lead to pain, misery and suffering will stunt your growth.  Take the next exit, pull over to the side of the road, and get your baring.  Ask yourself.  (1) Is my life’s journey an endless loop of despair?  (2) Have I been here before vowing never to return, only to find myself in the same place?  Then ask the God to move you in the direction He would have you go, with the confidence, strength and courage that only He can offer – then start your journey over – this time moving in the right direction.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Quote of the Day

I am experiencing prosperity and abundance in my life daily as a result of all my endeavors.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Quote of the Day:

My job is not to rescue people, but rather be there as a friend, lover, confidant, sister, wife, helper, etc.  But most importantly I am in your life to be all that God has chosen me to be in this relationship.  My actions are governed and guided by HIM.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Wake Up With Gratitude

Every morning when I rise to a new day, my heart is overwhelmed by joy and gratitude.  Opening my eyes in the still of the morning is not always eagerly done.  Yet God has given me the ability to do so.  Feeling the minor aches and pains that may urge me to stay in bed, I rise willingly plant my feet firmly on the floor gain my balance and stand up with my arms raised high.  Sometimes I feel that I can touch far beyond the limitations of my bedroom.   I can almost hear that still soft voice urging me to see your true potential, explore your gifts, dream big and move forward.  What are you waiting for?  Wake up!! “Adrienne Vanterpool”

Make A Wish

Close your eyes, make a wish.  Blow out the candle, make a wish.  Glaze upon the stars, make a wish.  Phrases I’ve heard all my life “make a wish.”  Has any of your wishes come true, I asked myself.  Do you really know what to wish for, I pondered?  One thing I can attest to, every effort you take to better yourself will bring about positive change and land you ever closer to achieving what you wish for.  So, I say, close your eyes and consider what it takes to make your wishes come true. Blow out the candle, eat the cake in celebration of your efforts.  Glaze upon a star knowing you’re headed in the right direction. “Adrienne Vanterpool”

Friday, July 6, 2018

No Regrets

I have no regrets about the things I did not accomplish yesterday while opportunity still lies in today. "Adrienne Vanterpool"


You have God-given talents, start something new today,
develop fresh new ideas, reach for the stars.  You are Gifted. 
“Adrienne Vanterpool”

A New Day

A new day is dawning, I am alive and well, I thank my Creator for blessing me with this opportunity – seeing another day.  His grace and mercy abound in my life.  I live in abundance, life is full of riches; air to breathe, water to drink, eyes to see, a body that’s fluid and constantly in motion.  The ability to taste ever good pleasure from His increasingly bountiful store, succulent fruits all displaced in colorful glory.  Yes, it’s a New Day! I’m glad to be alive. “Adrienne Vanterpool”


Daily Quotes