Tuesday, September 11, 2018

What is Love?

No Greater Love Than His:

How do we express your love to those we care for?   Are the people in your life sure of how you truly feel for them?  Does love make you feel vulnerable? Does commitment make you feel afraid to be who you are in the relationship?  Do you allow yourself to feel free enough to enjoy the simple things in life based on the love that you have for each individual?  Is fear controlling how you feel?  Are you able to communicate exactly how you feel? Do you feel brave enough and strong enough to love unconditionally?  Can you love without putting extra conditions on the life of the person that you say you love?  Are you judging your mate because they cannot do exactly what you say they should?  Are your feelings of love subjected to unrealistic expectations?   Do you gage your love based upon something that someone did or did not do for or toward you?  
Think of how you would feel if someone implemented any of these conditions into your relationship.   Would not you feel unworthy of being loved or cared for simply because you made a mistake or didn’t meet up to their standard?   That is not loving.   Many books have been written about the subject of love and loving.  How do we know what true love feels like?  Is it based on our definition only?  In biblical terms, love is defined by God’s love of an ungrateful people.  God’s love is shown in His ability to forgive the repentant soul and grant mercy to the sinful.  His is compassionate love, given freely to all those who would receive it.   He forgives, again and again, sends the warning of impending disaster, heals the sick, offers rest to the weary soul, shelters the homeless and provides peace in the time of war. 
What kind of love is this?  Do we have the capacity to love as exampled by God’s love for His creation?   The love of God is not dependent upon any of the conditions we place on each.  If that were so, we would be doomed.  By following the example given to us by the prophets and teachers sent to bring God’s message of hope, we learn to love in spite of ourselves. 

Placing unrealistic expectations on people we care for will only lead to destruction and not build a strong foundation for any of our relationships.   It may be difficult to love unconditionally, but the flip side is going through life facing your own demons.   Life has its ups and downs, relationships will come and go God’s love never changes and His door is still open.  Can we offer the same to those we say we love?  “Adrienne Vanterpool”

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