Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Let Food Be Your Medicine

What causes sickness and disease? 

There are many causes for sickness and disease occurring in the body.  Many of us become sick due to lack of proper nutrition while others develop sickness brought on by airborne viruses and other issues having to do with our environment.  Most medicines have been tested and tired prior to their distribution.  However, have we heard it said: “Let Food Be Your Medicine?”  When does food become a soluble solution of prevention, maintenance, and healing?  How do we use it to conquer disease in the body? 

What causes sickness or disease and one person may not adversely affect another.  Often categorized illnesses fall under question which are general and which are life-threatening. Generally the common cold, flu, diarrhea, and fever which are all short-term ailments while other life-threatening diseases like cancer, diabetes heart disease,, pulmonary or respiratory diseases kidney malfunction's, liver problems and the like very serious inflictions that need our immediate attention.   Subdural hematomas and other types of bleeds which occur in the brain or subcranial region can cause loss of memory and death if not treated properly.   How do we use food to combat, prevent, and treat or maintenance these sorts of diseases? It is not that simple to figure out. There are no plain answers, however, food plays a vital role in the process of healing, maintaining, and being healthy as a means of prevention.  Food optimizes health.  When a scientist looks at and examines the cause of sickness and disease it is often found that food or the lack thereof and improper nutrition is the culprit.  "Adrienne Vanterpool"

Below are some studies and research were done on this topic.

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