Friday, August 10, 2018

Utilizing Time to be Productive Will Ultimately Lead to Success

Time is irrelevant when you run out of time.   

We measure time by years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.   But is that time?  Does time have specific properties other than those we use to measure?  In correlation with running out of time, does time end?  What time is made of or consist of cannot be adequately answered?  When we look at time in terms of having free time or spare time, we assume there’s nothing pressing that needs to get done immediately.  That will all change when you’re on the clock.  Let’s look at it this way.  Free time is a gift; it allows you time to think. Thinking without being concerned how long the process takes is true freedom.  Developing a great idea takes time to create.  If you are pressed by time, such as being on the clock or having only a specific amount of time allotted to complete a project your creative flow will be stifled.   Coming up with a suitable conclusion or workable idea inspired by creative flow, the process of productive must be fluid.  Therefore, being productive requires freedom of thought independent of the limitations of time control devices.  When our time is governed and we are allocated small increments such as the 40 hour week; we tend to fall into the competition trap.  We compete with our fellows for the highest paying job, performing back-breaking work daily to go one upon another.  Our creativity and motivation to achieve our own goals are pushed aside. Visions are swallowed up in the day to day grind of getting the much-needed raise or promotion while allowing our time to be stripped away.  No time to think, got to get home for dinner and don’t want to get stuck in traffic on the way.  Do we recognize that we have gotten stuck building someone else’s dream?  The companies we work for are wealthy beyond our imagination. The time and effort we put into earning a few extra dollars while we create millions for others who oppress and control us is baffling. It is no surprise; people are controlled by lack of having enough. In an effort to acquire enough we readily tossed suggestions into the company suggest box under the pretense that the person with the best idea will receive some monetary award, when in fact the company is going to keep all the ideas to better their business.  It’s all a matter of conditioning.  We have been conditioned to act and respond a certain way which does not provide time for us to be productive in our thinking.  It would be beneficial for us to examine the time constraints we have placed in our own lives.  What do we do with our so-called free time?  We get bogged down somewhere along the way thinking there just isn’t enough time to bring our dreams to life.   Utilizing time in a productive manner will ultimately free up time to develop an innovative thought flow.  Your creativity will blossom as ideas stream in and out.  Your appreciation of time begins to shift.  There is no longer an obligation of time it is on your side as long as you’re not wasting time repeating the same mistakes expecting different results.  "Adrienne Vanterpool"

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